Recognizing Different Personalities in Your Children

Well, well…Erin’s on a uploading frenzy, and THAT’S why you love her. Well, me, on the other hand, I’m just trying to keep up! So, thanks for chilling for the past week, waiting so patiently to get a description up! 🙂 We know 30 of you watched it anyway…and YOU ARE AWESOME for doing so!

I suppose the big question that Erin and I attempt to attack in this vlog is nature vs. nurture. Wait…don’t leave. Let me explain.

When you have children, or several children, whether twins or singletons, there is no other experience that will prove that the nature portion of life is alive and well! How is it that two of the exact same parents, same gene pool, maybe even the same parenting techniques, can have children with completely different personalities? Well, we think it’s just God’s way of keeping us on our toes…or teaching us that life is just NOT predictable. 🙂

Very early on, you will see little personalities emerge. Is your little one observant? Loud? Chill? Uptight? You know what we’re talking about. And if you don’t, then spend a little more time observing the natural tendencies of your child. Because ultimately this is key to parenting successfully!

Intrigued? We knew it! So, take a few minutes and spend them with Erin and Rebecca, as we chat about the fantastic personalities of our little ones!

After, LIKE our video, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel, and LEAVE A COMMENT below…how are your little ones different from one another and how do you parent them differently (if you do)?

Have a few questions for us? We’d love to hear from you! Just click on the “Email Us” link in the right sidebar.

Until next post, happy observing!! 🙂



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