So, Rebecca, the pregnant neurotic girl (actually she’s pretty much like that even when not pregnant) who brought baby shower thank you notes to write while in the hospital after giving birth, obviously wished that she had watched a video like this before checking in! HAA! Yes, true story! She didn’t have ONE item to take a shower with, BUT thank goodness she had her thank you notes to keep her busy!!
(And in defense of myself, I have always hauled way too much with me on vacations, road trips, even day trips, thinking I was going to get a “few spare moments” to check things off my to-do list! My only two excuses are 1.) it’s genetic and if you met my parents you’d totally get it and 2.) I was a teacher and to get everything done you had to use every spare moment!)
So, what do you bring to the hospital? What do you “need”? What do you “want”? And what needs to stay home? (Yes, leave the thank you notes at home!)
Join Erin and Rebecca as they laugh hysterically at Rebecca, and learn a few things along the way.
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And ladies, let’s call it what it really is: a happy “birth-cation!”